
I'm state property

Free the soldiers in every color uniform

State property is an auto-logical term. Quite literally it refers to something that happens to be owned or leased by the state government. One of my favorite childhood films (not that it is meant for children, I just so happened to enjoy it during childhood) is a movie entitled State Property. Named after the Philadelphia based rap collective led by Beanie Siegel, the movie ends with Beanie being incarcerated for the crimes he committed. One of his last lines is, “I’m state property” in reference to his incarceration which makes him such. And I planned to write my thoughts on this movie, it’s themes, and more. However, I decided I wanted to address something different regarding that concept.

It’s been heavily mentioned in recent years that global tensions related to war have been picking up with great impact. An impact so great, that America is likely to be involved. Their involvement is so likely in fact, that the possibility of a draft had been discussed. The last time the United States had a draft was during the Vietnam war, and this draft concluded in 1973. With the accelerated investment in our military organization and offensive tactics to showcase the United States’ preparations for conflict (i.e. nuclear weapons) it has always been understood that another draft is unlikely. However, the fact that this is a possibility is a great sign of the times we are in. We are on the brink of a third World War and it’s no secret. And that reality has made me ponder on this idea of State Property a bit further.

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Consider the fact that, a country that does little to nothing to nourish and uplift its community also obtains the right to force its citizens aged 18-26 to fight in a war. That is another element in which the government possesses the power to make its citizens state property. The American Government takes ownership of human beings like objects for the furtherance of capitalism. This idea of freedom is nothing more than that. An idea. At any moment this government can decide to sentence me to death (or make me a murderer) for a cause motivated by money, ego, and greed. And in some ways, I am already state property. Mostly because I’m Black, but even more so because I am not wealthy. I’ll go deeper.

Back in my younger days when all I wanted was a pair of Ksubi jeans, gold grills, and the most attractive girl in my neighborhood I signed up for summer youth employment to make some money for myself. My other options were weed dealing or stealing, so congrats to me for choosing something productive to get the shit my parents couldn’t afford. What I later learned, is that in signing my Summer Youth contract I also automatically opted in for registering for the Selective Service. The Selective Service is an independent agency that keeps a database of young men that will be subject to military conscription (a draft) when the time comes. And that was a requirement to receive those benefits. What that means is, I had to agree at 15 years old that I would register for the Selective Service in exchange for a summer job. In the event that a draft was to occur, I’d be first in line via that registration. I may even be obligated even if there wasn’t one. What the fuck was I thinking right? Ask your favorite rapper who signed a 360 deal the same question and we’ll have the same answer.

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But hey, I wouldn’t qualify until 18 so what the hell did I care? Cross that bridge when I get there. Then, my 17th birthday rolled around and it was time to apply for good old FAFSA. Cause a Black boy gots to get him a good edumacation. And again I found myself telling my slave master that in exchange for financial aid, he can send my Black ass right overseas with a Sig in my holster, cigarette in my ear, dressed in them woodland greens. (I’d be a marine if it came down to it cause them boys is gangsta.) Because in order to receive the Pell Grant in financial aid, you have to sign up for the Selective Service. And praise be to Allah I made it through college by the skin of my teeth. The last name called on that Howard University stage and not even a wink of worry about going to war. And now I’m here, awaiting my 25th birthday so I can be free from this potential obligation.

Isn’t that so interesting? That to qualify for government programs such as Summer Youth Employment and Financial Aid which are in existence to help lower income individuals you need to agree to be forced into war. What does that tell you? I know what it says to me. It says to me that the poor are disposable. That when the time comes those who lack money and resources will be the first to be sacrificed. I understand that I agreed to something, but the point I’m making is that there is a larger system targeting the poor to make them disposable and other than human. Lack of money and resources puts you in a predicament to be state property. To be locked behind prison walls and enslaved for cents an hour for the mistakes you made. And to be forced to go to war because your family income isn’t high enough. I’m not saying I’m anti-war or anti-government I actually could care less about any of that shit. And I’m fully aware there are many countries with much worse systems and treatment. My aim is to highlight the trickery (tricknology) committed by the American institution with money as the weapon. Our greed and desperation has made us slaves from the beginning and it will until the very end unless we get hip. Most young brothers don’t even know that they are agreeing to that when they participate in these programs. We are just attempting to get access to jobs and an education like anybody else. But there’s always a price to pay. It truly makes you think. Many of you may hear me. Many of you may feel me. But only few of you know what it is like to be State Property. Peace.

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